Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What it takes to Unlock an iphone ?? .. What the heck is jailbreaking ??..

I was wondering about these terms for a while ... i still do ...do i ? .. may be :P ..

let me tell u something .. Apple inc( i read it as 'Evil' ..never mind @#$) is too smart as they developed one of the best hardware the world have ever seen , at least i have ever seen .. But the question was, why are they locking the phone to particular service providers , its disappointing to apple fans like me . .i am sure you too will have the same feeling ..

so how to unlock it ? ..

what is unlocking ?

>>unlocking is something(u call it what ever u want to...) that makes your iphone works with any service provider ( any sim ....!!!)

So what is jail breaking ? .. how unlocking and jail breaking related ?

>> Answer is , you can unlock only if you jail break your iphone . so what is jailbreaking ?? . jailbreaking in simple terms is the procedure that installs an application called Cydea in your iphone .. so what is Cydea ?? Cydea is an Angel (brown in colour ? ..) , its a multi_armed App store, application installer ?, package installer , search provider ... etc ..

how to jailbreak the iphone ?


** if your iphone is in 3.1.2,3.1.3 , the procedure is available online ....or u need to do some procedure to upgrade to ios4 and jailbreak it .. **

before you do any thing ( i mean it..) download an application called " tinyumbrella" http://thefirmwareumbrella.blogspot.com/
and save the SHSH blobs ..dont worry about the term, you ill find it in tiny umbrella blog ..its pretty straight forward ..

now its pretty simple ..

1. Find a place u can use wifi ..
2. Enable wifi ..?? i know u ill do it ..
3. go to safari.. search for jailbreakme.com (search in google)
4. its very easy .. you ill find a buttion "slide to unlock " ...should i say u to slide ??.. k go ahead..
5. sit tight , be patient ..

wait ....
the Cydea must be installed ..
yep its done..

now , how to unlock it ??

1. go to cydea
2. search for ultrasn0w ( http://ultrasn0w.com)
3. you ill find it , now install it ..

you are done ...

restart your iphone

now you can use any sim cards ..

isn't that quiet straight forward ?? .. hakuna matata!!!!