Thursday, April 4, 2013

A word about Celebrity Apps ! Dont buy everything that you see

On Tuesday, World Wrestling Entertainment and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson offered up "WWE Presents: Rockpocalypse," a free mobile app for Google Play and iOS. The app, already knee-deep in a suspicious mix of five-star and one-star reviews, pits the world's most famous wrestler against a series of zombie-like extras on the set of The Rock's latest movie.
The lesson? Just because a celebrity endorses a product doesn't make it good.
When some besotted fan says she loves Justin Bieber or Chris Evans or David Hasselhoff, she's not falling in love with a person - she's falling in love with a brand. And in a world where Jennifer Lopez sells perfume, celebrity apps are no different - chances are that you're downloading the name, not the product.
Obviously, an app is only as good as its developer, and any app that markets a celeb can either take the high or the low road. A number of "soundboard" apps just offer audio clips that fans can play over and over, or at opportune times ("Hey, I've got the perfect comeback - just let me load this app...") or a chance to "connect" with the celebrity in question via embedded social media. The most useful apps complement a celebrity's claim to fame; it also helps when a celebrity also performs some useful function, like a chef.
The issue, of course, is that it's all a matter of perspective. Would an app that offers a chance to "kiss" Justin Bieber appeal to many 50-year-old straight men? Probably not. But that same app might be a prized part of some tween's digital hope chest. In general, celebrity apps suck -there, we've said it. But we've managed to find a few that may actually prove useful. See what you think.

Taylor Swift Greeting Cards

Want to remind someone that they're special? Try sending a Taylor Swift greeting card! Remind your boyfriend that there's a song waiting for him if he cheats! Anyway, the app is wildly popular on Google Play.

Jamie Oliver's 15-Minute Meals

One of the truly useful celebrity apps out there is Jamie Oliver's 15-Minute Meals, which costs $3.99 for Android but appears to be free for iOS. Still, you'll get videos, recipes, photography, and advice from Oliver, one of Britain's more famous chefs

Gordon Ramsay Apps

Gordon Ramsay, most famous for his numerous shows where he alternatively cooks, shouts, and swears, offers a pair of apps: Come Cook with Me HD, a $7.99 app on iTunes that boasts recipes and even a digitized Ramsay yelling at you. A free Cookery Course app on Google Play offers more recipes, but users have complained the app's content is hard to find


Keep in touch with Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage via the Mythbusters app, available via iTunes. There's not only social media connections, but also a few games to play.

The Colbert Show

Nation, Stephen Colbert launched a new app for the The Colbert Show just a few days ago. Why don't you head on over to the the page to get it? Available for all major platforms, the app has video clips, quotes, and even a calendar so you can set reminders to watch. And all for free, thanks to government subsidies, we suspect. 

It's Britney!

I think at this point we stopped looking for celebrity apps that didn't suck, and embraced the awfulness. This iOS app allows you to get the news directly from Brit herself and digitally paste your face into a photo (which is worth the download). 

Wake Up with Pam (Anderson)

Have you ever wanted to wake up next to model Pam Anderson, and would do anything to realize even the faintest facsimile of that dream? If that's true, then this -99-cent iPhone app may help. Check out sexy videos from Pam, as she urges you to get out of bed. Pam? Pam, come back. 

Kiss Justin Bieber

Hey, ladies, if you ever wanted to kiss Justin Bieber, you need to check out this Google Play app! He even sings to you!